April 2023 Operations Council Minutes — Portola Valley and Alpine Railroad

April 2023 Operations Council Minutes

Matt takes meeting notes; Our first outdoor meeting this year

President Bob opened the meeting at 12:45 pm, a Spring outdoor meeting.

15 members present. 

Treasurer’s report --  Kevin

The RR has a strong balance sheet, with Accounts receiveable of $200, (two members dues) and accounts payable of $962.58.

 We have 64 members, 62 current.

Project Status

Spurs, grading and switches - Kevin 

We have to redesign the sidings in the Caboose Loop, the stub switch won’t work as built, so we’ll have 3 switches in a row on the loop.  Two more switches are being built.  Next steps will be grading.  Work has been suspended on the  Riding Arena spur pending some storm damage repair (by the ranch).

Little Buildings:  No change in status.

Gritty gravel barn - Bruce

Bridge will be done and attached April 20th.  Matt will work on the RR tie retaining wall as well.

Club rolling stock brakes - Bruce

Brandon will get 2 cars fitted with air brakes on April 20th with the new club diesel engine’s brakes coming later.

Air compressor leaks - Bruce

Bruce says the Air compressor leak is still on the list to be fixed. It works, but cycles on too often.  He hopes to work on excavating the lines next week, planning to start once the tracks are attached to the Gritty Bravel Barn.

Announcements & Miscellaneous

Accucraft.  David Costner came to visit the RR and show us some new engines they have built and new switch frogs they have developed for railroads to use.   Although as cast they won’t fit our switches as well as we prefer, minor modifications to their mold will be evaluated when we receive new samples.  

Mike Massee will be visiting us this weekend, and he will be bringing back the club steam engine; a walking beam engine built by John Dolph (and Peter Mosely) and updated by Mike Massee.  John donated it to the club as a learning engine.   We will work out a method of certification so that non-steam proficient members may learn to operate it. Timing and process TBD.

Full sized RR ties.  We are down to 2 usable ties in inventory. We just sent 29 unusable ones to recycling.  Brandon will talk with Mitchell about getting more tie bundles.


Bill reviewed some safety procedures and protocols for PV&A:

  • PV&A is on private property and not open to the public. Our website directs the public to alternative railroads for their interest such as Golden Gate and Billy Jones.

  •  PV&A  use is limited to the areas occupied by RR infrastructure, equipment, and shop.  Wandering beyond these areas is not allowed.

  • Each member is responsible to aid others in their safe enjoyment of the RR.  Many activities require more experienced members to provide direction to their fellow model railroad enthusiasts still learning procedures. Activities may be limited based on the experience levels available to ensure sufficient oversight and safety. All members are responsible to recognize when help is required.   

  • Please review the safety policy list with participants before each run.  Engineers and conductors are responsible for the operation and performance of equipment.

  • Each Thursday before a run, we survey the RR  to make sure there are no hazards.  This includes anything that might compromise train operations or individuals.  Specific attention is given to track and overhead clearances, leaves and fire hazards, water sprinkling and fire suppression equipment, status of structures, etc.

  • All members will identify any safety projects that need doing, and leads will be assigned for each.  Current and recent examples include the Car Barn loading rack, Rabbit Flat berm, Summit hand railing, Camelback Bridge to Lumbercamp berm.  If you see what looks like a safety issue,  tell a board member or bring it up at the monthly meeting.

Club speeder - Bruce

  • The controller is acting up. The speeder is usable (by limited members only) but needs to be fixed.  Bruce will talk to RMI about the controller

Future Meets and Run Days

April Run Day.  Weather looks fantastic for this week's run days the 22nd and 23rd.    We anticipate a healthy attendance.  Please do come early - before 10am -  if you have to unload rolling stock.  Bruce will be there to help folks know where to park up by the office and by the shop if need be.

June Meet is our annual joint run with Sacramento Live Steam and Golden Gate Live Steam.  Dates for this have been adjusted to accommodate the many meets during this busy time around the various train clubs. Please note, it will be June 17th and 18th.   Folks have suggested we do a lunch instead of a dinner, which would move the menu to burgers and hot dogs.  Not yet decided.

Bob closed the meeting at 1:25 PM and the group adjourned to review the storage of the loading ramp into the car barn.

Notes by Matt, Minutes by Mike
