Meeting Minutes

January 2025 Operations Council Minutes

Racing through the super long agenda

Chairman Bob opened the Annual Election Meeting of the Railroad Club on Saturday at 12:24 pm.

We had 17 members at the RR today who enjoyed ice cream at the end of the meeting.

Treasurer’s report --  Bob in for Kevin

We have 72 members, 61 are current.

We have a healthy bank balance with enough to pay for our current projects and maintenance.  However, as a cautionary comment, if you plan to buy material for a current project over a reasonable amount (say $100) please get it pre-approved by the board. Otherwise, you may not be reimbursed.

Project Status Reports

Rabbit Flat - Bill

The turntable wall has been started by Tom. It will have some tweaking after the rain ends. 

Bruce reports that we will raise the track levels to operational height with base rock, then ballast in the spring. Basically we are in great shape and moving forward. Mike said the turntable decking is done, ready for install after heavy construction is complete.

Round House - Mike

Drawings of structure, roof and doors are done (a few changes along the way) - Thanks Bruno! The eight C-16 doors (From Peter and Ron’s old roundhouse) are 98% done. The two K-36 doors are yet to be designed and will emulate the C-16 doors. They will be all wood. The structure is post and beam style structure; Will and Sam have started milling up the pieces to the cut list. The foundation is designed and can be installed after the rains end. It will be a full concrete floor. Outside walls and windows are yet to be laid out.  

Track for round house etc. - Bob for Kevin

All switches built by Kevin and Bruno are in inventory. We have one more kick switch to install. We also have lots of track panels in inventory to start all the sidings. When they are consumed, we will build track in place. 

Switch Stands and Remotes - Ed Sarber

For the remote switches, we have improved the method for actuation of the remote indicator so they turn the full 90 degrees. Originally we used small cables which stretched, then tried solid rod which worked but are tricky to install, and have settled on a larger,1/8” cable which is easy to install and has minimal stretch. We also made small changes to the cams. Marty and Ed have determined the order of replacement. Peter has been putting in kick switches in Building 4, Marty installing remotes in the field. We have completed 4 switches which folks can  try out today. Schmidt car barn(S107), North Yard  crossover(S112), Lumber Camp vs Caboose(S301), and the Lumber Camp Wye.(S322). We hope people will find that actuation works and remote indicating works fully. We also located some switches in the ground that are currently inoperable, and Peter will free them up and install kick switches in the field on existing wood ties as an interim fix until full refurbishment with long lasting plastic ties. John and Leo completed the number tagging all our switches! S208 was the last to receive its tag number.

Signals system - Ed Sarber

About 3 months ago, we started investigating our signalling system, how to maintain, and where else should be instrumented. We researched Train Mountain and Maricopa Live Steamers systems. We like the Train Mountain solution best, (in fact, discussions stimulated them to do some upgrades in their system to improve maintainability). The Train Mountain folks are helping us out with schematics and ideas using an Arduino system. They have a bread board that works. Each signal controls a block. They will be self-contained, with solar cells using the newer Arduino controller system, making them easy to use, and serviceable. Train Mountain asked us to look at making the boards. Marty and Ed will work on that to make a demo system to try out on the PV&A RR.

Signage - Steve and Ed

Looking at normalizing the signs, size, font, order of approach. We will inventory (on a Google sheet) all the places of interest most critical to steamers. Steve has a friend who can help make the powder coated signs for us on metal. He is coming to the RR and we may have a sample next week.  

Bob and Mike Mattioda are looking at a vinyl  cutter system for making stencils that can be spray painted onto powder coated sheet

Big Red engine - Bruce

It is at Brandon’s house, working on the air brake system install, plus designing and making a controller console that attaches to the riding car, that is removable. Maybe back in operation this Spring.

Air line leaks - Bruce

Leaks are significant, causing the compressors to run full time. We may have damaged one compressor enough (the red compressor has an oil leak - probably a warped head) that it needs replacing. 

Thus, currently, when you want to raise the turntable, 1. Open the air valve by Engine House 2, raise the turntable, 3. shut off the valve. We will have to do this until leaks are repaired. We also noted a new air leak at the turntable valve that must be fixed.

Building 4 Shop - Carl & Bob

The new mill is installed.  Ken brought in 220 power and compressed air. Carl has trued up the head, got all the systems working so it is ready for operation. The surface grinder is still in process. It has its own three phase rotary converter and a vacuum tube system to operate the magnetic circuit. (See this week’s pictures) Ken says it will be running soon. Carl will be erecting a shield to keep other areas clean.

Carl has volunteered to take responsibility for machines, tools and training in the shop. You must be qualified to run any tools in the shop, especially the complex ones - mills, lathes, welders, sheet metal tools. Carl is willing to help make parts and train anybody as needed.  We have an outstanding collection of hand tools that belong to the RR. If you need a tool, you may borrow it for RR use, but it must be returned at the end of the work day. Occasionally we will set up a remote tool area for an ongoing project, such as the ‘Dog Kennel’ at Rabbit Flat. Return tools there, as well. They are not for loan to be taken to your shop. We had a strange incident in the last few weeks that brought this home. Somehow, every set of allen wrenches went missing from the shop area. Carl has purchased new sets for key areas.  Remember, if you break something, (there is no penalty for breaking it), do report it so it can be fixed or replaced. 

Working on your own projects in the shop is permitted on a limited basis. Make sure you don’t interfere with regular RR Thursday work by either occupying needed tools, space, or side-tracking skilled talent.

News, Safety and Policies

Engine and car storage policy -  Our space is maxed out now with stored equipment. In order to keep your gear on site, it must be actively used - at least a couple of times a year.  Iif not, it should be removed to make room for other folks. We monitor this gently, and from time to time ask people to either start using, or remove their engines and cars.  If you have new needs for storage on site, you must get permission first.

We want to avoid having to charge for storage space. Ed H has Rene’s engine running and he is now happy to give rides on run days. Thanks Ed and Rene!

Club Steam Engine. ‘TheContraption’ - built by John Dolph and Peter Moseley and donated to the club. Ed Holland will take the lead on learning it and helping others interested if you let him know (Ryan has expressed interest).  Brandon also offered to help teach how to use it. If we cannot reach a quorum, we have permission to sell it.

The Board is working on prioritizing and budgeting projects for 2025 for both assets and labor. Round House, Rabbit Flat, Signs, Switch upgrades and reliability, Signaling et al. The board will have a meeting to discuss.

Work Weekends - Bob

We are planning on having 2 work weekends in 2025 which worked well last year. (Calendar dates are not fully fixed even though placeholders are pencilled in on the website). It is now harder to find “easy” sections to upgrade ties and switches without taking the sections off line for a considerable time.

New members - Bob

We are always looking for tool-savvy, train- happy folks to join the club, enjoy and help out. We do have a process; meet two members of the board to make sure they will contribute to the organization. They will have a mentor for a while.

We have a training  and certification process for operating the RR and use of club equipment. Marty will train the next ‘class’ of members. 4 days, 2 hours on Thursdays.  Training info is on the website in the Members Only section, very interesting and useful stuff. You need to invest your free time for our training to be safe and get the maximum investment for your hobby. You can also enjoy the club without running a train, and that’s ok.

Existing members are welcome to join in training to brush up on history and operations. Dates to be announced. As an example - if it is near the end of the day, and you’re not sure you’re the last one here, lock up anyway. And, put in the mouse guards!

Annual Election

Elected by acclamation:

Bob Silverstein - Chairman

Kevin Hayashi - Treasurer

Mike Ward - Secretary

Bruce Swanson - member at large

Bill Boller - Family Representative (appointed)

Run days - Bob

Bob reminded us that If you plan to bring a large group on a run day coordinate with board members, and arrange for adequate member coverage to support your guests.

April we will be hosting the Antique Car Club

June will have an additional mid week special run day near the date of Train Mountain’s Triennial. Details TBA.

September is our Annual Joint meet with sister clubs


There will be no paving roads before Train Mountain meet. Bruce said all road projects will be done at the end of the summer when the ground is most stable.

Bob closed the meeting at 12:56 PM


Mike Ward


(With Matt Petach’s help!)