January 2023 Operations Council Minutes

We had a quick meeting and got back to fun stuff

Bob Called the special annual meeting together at 12:30 pm on Saturday, January 28th.

We met outside on a cool, clear afternoon with ~11 members and some guests in attendance for a brief meeting.


Treasurer’s report

Bob reported on behalf of Kevin, that our finances are in good order for the coming year.

We still have about 8 members who have not yet paid their dues, and their names were divided up for personal phone calls.

Bob also reminded us to be on the lookout for new members, as some of our longtime members are no longer able to participate as they once did. Then he introduced our newest member, Ryan Cinarkaya, a student at Santa Clara University, who has arranged his class schedule so he should be able to join us once a month on our work days.


Project Updates – 

To keep the meeting brief, we did not do individual project updates.  

Bob did report that our Expansion Project is still on time and on budget to complete this June.  After that, we will tackle the Track Sustainability (restoration) project “Good for my Lifetime”, which will keep us busy for several years as we continue replacing the 18,000 wood ties originally installed.  Our objective is to provide the family with a railroad that will be easy to maintain for 50 years.

Bob also said the Board will hold a Zoom meeting in a week or two to plan the work sequence to maximize the availability of the RR on run days, while keeping the track work efficient.

The biggest single upcoming expenses will be for ballast and base rock to raise the  ties and keep the Right of Way free from mud.


Annual Elections –

We then held our annual election.  Bob asked if there were any other members who would like to have a turn as officers.  Hearing none, the current officers were re-elected unanimously.

Bob Silverstein – Chairman

Kevin Hayashi – Treasurer

Mike Ward – Secretary

Bruce Swanson – Member at large

Bill Boller, who is appointed by the family, does not need to be elected.


Safety and Procedures

Bruce reminded us that we all need to sign Waivers for the ranch for 2023.

New Ranch entry gate procedure.  If on work or run days, you arrive, and the Ranch gate is closed, do not use the keypad for entry, but call Bruce Swanson , and if he is not available, call Bill Boller  on their cell phones.



Our Joint meet with Sacramento Valley Live Steam and Golden Gate Live Steam is scheduled for mid-month June 17th and 18th, to accommodate events at Train Mountain. This date should give us good weather. You can view this and all other run days for the year in the calendar.


Bob adjourned the meeting at 1:00


Mike Ward
